

Hannah Moog is a senior general fine arts major with a minor in book arts from Burke, Virginia. She works in the mediums of books, garments and puppetry to create humorous and intimate work that immerses viewers in her imagined world full of mysterious and caring characters. She is influenced by fashion history, folk art, quilting traditions, and hugs.

Evelyn Ivy, Photographer
Hannah Moog, Photographer
Kaylani Brown, Model
Anjali Shankar, Model
Hannah Moog, Model

The People in the Paper Woods

by Hannah Moog

I see this collection, The People in the Paper Woods, as the wardrobe of my illustrations, a way to wrap myself and those around me in my world. They are a portal–narrative, interactive and transformative like the flip of the page in a book.

These garments create a unified folktale for myself; one that touches on my lineage, childhood, and relationships. I make humorous and exaggerated interpretations of my relationships and feelings towards my loved ones. My characters travel together in a neverending herd. They can shrink down so small and be carried in the pocket of their best friend, and they can make a giant quilt big enough to tuck in everyone they love. In all the mediums my work takes, I aim to create an experience of connection and magic with my viewer that conveys the love and wonder that my characters experience in their world.